Monday, December 1, 2014


Well, the Thanksgiving and "Black Friday" havoc is over.  Finally.  Can you believe that Christmas will soon be here?   And then the New Year celebration.
Speak of Christmas, I don't always identify with all of the religious holidays around the world but I want to say that my thoughts and prayers are with all of our readers no matter what country you are in and no matter your religion.  May the end of 2014 and the beginning of 2015 bring safety, health and peace to all.

While reading this, please give thought to everyone who has less and please make it a point to give of yourself instead of take for yourself.  This has been a trying year for everyone and we can only hope that the year coming up will bring more prosperity to those who deserve to have better in their lives.  Perhaps those who have the majority of wealth will find it in themselves to share some of it with those most in need.

So much for this rambling.   Remember,  we can only give what we are willing to give and we can only receive what is freely presented to us.

Talk again soon,


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